
Sara Welcomes Baby Sadie

Published On 29/06/2017
How do people make it through life without a sister? -- Sara Corpening Whiteford
Little girl crossing street while holding father's hand

How to Talk to Children about Safety and Strangers

Stories abound in today's media about young children in unsafe or scary predicaments. As a parent, I could easily let fear seep in and control what I let my kids do—or not do.
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Find a New Story Every Day in June!

Visit Curious World on YouTube to celebrate Kids Reading Month! We're releasing a new storybook video every day in June.
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Zoe and August Build a Skyscraper

Turning screen time into off-screen learning is easy! Just "translate" the games that your children enjoy into real-life fun (and learning!). Zoe and August are a great example in the video below.
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How to Turn Your Family Garden into a Learning Adventure

It looks like spring has finally arrived. In some areas of the country, we thought it would never get here.
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Little Asian girl playing with sand

5 Fun STEAM Projects for Little Kids

The STEAM movement has taken root in our culture over the past several years. You may be aware of the acronym, but wonder what it means.
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Two little sisters sitting on a park bench

5 Special Picture Books That Celebrate Siblings

Celebrate National Siblings Day on April 10 by reading picture books with your child that focus on the special bond between siblings.
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