Our guide to a crafty Halloween for kids

Published On 16/10/2018
Are you looking for ideas for Halloween activities, decorations and costumes for kids? Well look no further! Take a look at our step by step guide packed full of crafts and activities to make this Halloween like no other.

Top tips for raising bilingual children

Babies and toddlers that are learning more than one language as they develop, are likely to face completely different challenges to other children their age. We’ve listed out some common things you might notice and some tips to help kids along their way.
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kids understand all families are different

Helping kids understand every family is different

When kids come into contact with other children, they’ll begin to see that other people’s families aren’t like theirs. Here are our top tips for helping explain to kids that every family is different in a way they’ll be able to digest.
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Why do kids ask so many questions?

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How to Talk to Children about Safety and Strangers

Stories abound in today's media about young children in unsafe or scary predicaments. As a parent, I could easily let fear seep in and control what I let my kids do—or not do.
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Why The Great Outdoors May Be the Best Classroom for Kids

We all want to provide our children with the best possible environments and opportunities to learn and succeed.
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How to Boost Literacy with Hand Gestures

It's amazing the way babies come into the world as natural communicators.
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